150 PSI Pressure Black, Synthetic Acrylic Rubber Hot Tar Hose
(3)Quantity sold in feet
250 PSI Pressure Red Neoprene Fuel Oil Delivery Hose
(4)Quantity sold in feet
150 PSI Pressure Black Nitrile Blend/Nitrile Tank Truck Hose - Contractors
150 PSI Pressure Black Nitrile Blend/Nitrile Tank Truck Hose
(13)Quantity sold in feet

300 PSI Pressure Black Nitrile Blend/Nitrile Tank Truck Petroleum Hose
(6)Quantity sold in feet
150 PSI Pressure Black Nitrile Blend/Nitrile Tank Truck Corrugated Petroleum Hose
(7)Quantity sold in feet

150 PSI Pressure Red Nitrile Blend/Nitrile Tank Truck Corrugated Petroleum Hose
(7)Quantity sold in feet

Crude Oil Suction Hose
(7)Designed for oilfield vacuum truck service. Tube and cover have resistance to crude oil. Recommended for CRUDE OIL ONLY. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REFINED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS.
Temperature range : -40 to 180° F
Construction :
Tube : Neoprene blend, limited oil resistance, for oilfield use.
Reinforcement : Spiraled high tensile cords and steel helix wire.
Cover : Smooth black SBR/blend, abrasion, ozone, limited oil resistance.
Branded : Blue Stripe
Quantity sold in feet

Nitrile Blend Crude Oil Suction Corrugated Petroleum Hose
(3)Quantity sold in feet
Oil Discharge Hose
(4)Designed for handling gasoline, diesel fuels, oil sludge, fuel oils and other petroleum products. It is a flexible and easy handling petroleum discharge hose complete with built-in-anti-static wire.
Temperature range : -40 to 180° F
Construction :
Tube : Nitrile, oil resistant, anti- static
Reinforcement : High tensile synthetic textile cords with anti-static wire
Cover : Neoprene, oil and abrasion resistant (red)
Quantity sold in feet