Ferrules / Crimping Tools

Brass Medium Weight Air Hose Long Shank Couplings
(14) Sold in package quantity only. /Asset/B-478-LB-478-L.jpg
Brass Light Weight Air Hose Long Shank Couplings
(12) Sold in package quantity only. /Asset/B-380-S.jpg
Brass Light Weight Water Hose Long Shank Couplings
(12) Sold in package quantity only. /Asset/B-875-SP1.jpg
Crimping Tools
(3) Our hose crimpers provide production capability & a big tool crimping advantages at just a fraction of the cost of other tools offering comparable results. /Asset/C114CT-3041.jpg
(9) Our hose crimpers provide production capability & a big tool crimping advantages at just a fraction of the cost of other tools offering comparable results. /Asset/C114CT-3041-4.jpg